
Monday, 8 May 2017

#GuestBlog: How to make Chocolate Brownies at home?

Hello friends! We hope your May is going wonderful. For those who don't know, I have been on bed rest since more than a month now due to ankle fracture and hence there has been no post on the blog since quite some time. We finally got a chance to put together a guest post for you all (by Stuti), do read and don't forget to try it out.


In this recipe, we have prepared Chocolate Brownies, with a desi touch!


  • Parle G biscuits - 50 
  • 100 gm chocolate bar - 1
  • Milk - 500 ml 
  • Baking powder - 1.25 tsp
  • Butter only for greasing the baking utensil
  • No sugar required


1) Powder biscuits and chocolate together in a mixer grinder. (Save 4 - 5 small pieces of the chocolate from the lot)

2) Put the powder in a big bowl

3) Add milk (little warm) to the powder and make into a paste using spatula

4) Take another utensil in which you want to make the cake and grease it.

5) Just before pouring the batter into the baking utensil, add melted chocolate, almond, baking powder and mix. 

6) In the baking utensil after filling it half place the remaining chocolates and pour the remaining batter (add gems if you like!)

7) Now take a big cooking utensil which can easily house the baking utensil. Fill the cooking utensil with water and place the baking utensil in it and cover the lid.

8) Keep it on high flame for 15 min followed by on low flame for another 15 min. The brownies will be ready to eat. 

9) Cut it into small rectangular pieces. It is ready to be served.

Do let us know in the comments section if you will try it out :)

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