Sunday, 3 January 2021

Mushroom Xacuti: All the way from Goa

This recipe is contributed by Sonia from Goa (my daughter's friend) and my daughter, Stuti of Me and My Suitcase prepared it for dinner tonight.

Recipe for 4 people.

Coconut - 1
Onion - 2 large
Garlic - 6 to 7 cloves
Mushroom - 250 g
Water (for gravy)
Garam masala
Turmeric powder
Green chili
Coriander powder
Ghee/oil - 2 tsp
Salt to taste

Instructions for preparation of traditional Goan recipe of Mushroom Xacuti:
1. Clean mushrooms in plenty of water and plenty of time to remove as much dirt as possible.
2. Dice each one in 3 - 4 cm big pieces.
3. Now to prepare masala, take one coconut grated. About 1 big onion (cut) and 6-7 cloves of garlic. Saute onion and garlic in 2 tsp oil/ghee. Add grated coconut in the same and roast further.
4. Put half tsp turmeric powder, green chili and/or mirchi powder as per taste/spicy tolerance. Add dry coriander powder. Roast a little more.
5. Grind all roasted mixture (once it's cool enough to grind)
6. Dice another onion and keep separately.
7. Now, put about half of ground coconut mix from step 5 to hot wok and add onion to it. Let it cook for 2-3 min and then add mushroom to it. Let them cook till done about 60-70%. 
8. Add remaining of the coconut mix, add Garam masala and cook till fully done.
9. It should be done in another 10 min. For consistency, add water.

Your Mushroom Xacuti is ready to serve. Best taken with hot Chapatis, goes well with rice too.

It's simple yet scrumptious.

I had it when I was in Goa, more than 13 years back. Wow! Nostalgia is kicking in. Thanks to Sonia, I could have it.

Tip: Using same gravy, you can replace mushroom with paneer and peas OR soyabean OR boiled egg.

Bon Appétit.